David Whitemyer, AIA
David Whitemyer is the Director of Business Development at Luci Creative, an exhibit and experience design firm, and an instructor in Johns Hopkins University’s Museum Studies program. He can be reached at david@lucicreative.com
Recent Posts by David Whitemyer, AIA
N’Sync: Aligning Expectations During an Exhibition Design Project
Alliance Blog
According to Google, pop star Justin Bieber is attributed with the quote, “Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.” It seems more like something Heraclitus or another …
Say Cheese! 3 Ways Museums Can Compete with Instagrammable Pop-Ups
Alliance Blog
This article is loosely based on a session panel that I facilitated at the 2018 New England Museum Association (NEMA) conference titled, “Let Me Take a Selfie: The Power of Photo Ops and …
Where the Seats Have No Name: In Defense of Museum Benches
Alliance Blog
Sitting gets a bad rap. The last few years have seen articles and media outlets touting that “Sitting is the new smoking.” Standing desks are the latest office furniture trend. And in …
It Takes a Village: Are You Getting These 6 Perspectives for Your Exhibition?
Alliance Blog
Many exhibition development teams are made up of curators and content specialists, museum leadership, and designers (3D designers, graphic designers, and sometimes in-house fabricators). On …
Practice Makes Perfect: 4 Keys to Exhibit Prototyping Success
Alliance Blog
If you’ve ever cut out a piece of cardboard the size of an exhibit graphic panel and taped it to a wall to see if it’s at a readable height, that’s prototyping. Creating a beta version of a …
Taking Chances: 6 Strategies to Encourage Risk-Taking in Exhibit Design
Alliance Blog
Attractive and engaging exhibition projects are born from more than just good designers and interesting subjects. Successful projects are also the result of teams and leaders who take …