Advertising & Partnerships
Partner with Us
Each year, museums spend $1.4 billion on facility management/capital improvements and $21 million on products and services. Engage more museums through AAM, and connect with 30,000 individuals and museum members year-round on our platforms to promote your products and services and increase your organization’s visibility. By choosing one or more of these marketing opportunities you are also supporting Alliance initiatives that cultivate excellence in museums and unify those serving in the field.

10 Ways to Connect with Museums year-round and at the AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo
Reach AAM members year-round, reinforce your brand, and align with content that reaches the largest number of museum professionals of any museum service organization.
Dive into the kit for more information on placements, rates, and securing your advertising space.
Museum Magazine – Have your company featured on the pages of AAM’s award-winning flagship magazine. Museum reaches over 30,000 museums and professionals six times a year.
AAM’s website – The AAM website receives more than 3 million pageviews per year, and focuses on key categories of interest to museums along with dedicated pages for member services. Placement opportunities are available on the homepage, specific Alliance Blog categories, and more.
AAM’s JobHQ – AAM’s JobHQ is the most visited museum jobs board on the web and averages over 63k visitors per month. Banner opportunities available.
Advertorials – The Alliance blog has an average of 4,000 readers a month and provides the museum community with a place to share stories and insights, in their own voice, reaching thousands of people across the global museum field.
Aviso – This weekly newsletter is delivered every Tuesday, providing the latest museum industry news and opportunities to over 27,000 of AAM’s museum professional members.
Dispatches from the Future of Museums – This weekly newsletter from our Center for the Future of Museums, delivered every Thursday to over 46,000 subscribers, consists of stories highlighting trends that will shape the culture and society of the museum community in the decades ahead.
Museum Junction – With over 70,000 users, our recently redesigned Museum Junction is a popular online discussion forum for museum professionals and serves as a convening place for members of the museum community.
AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo – The AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo is the largest event of its scope and scale, bringing together thousands of museum professionals from across the U.S. and around the world featuring interactive educational sessions, networking events, and a vibrant exhibit hall. Advertising opportunities surrounding the conference include a special MuseumExpo Product Guide in Museum magazine, the Annual Meeting mobile app, AAM Annual Meeting website, and newsletters.
Exhibition – Showcase your products and services in this bi-annual digital publication dedicated to exhibition theory and practice. Beginning in 2025, Exhibition is accessible to an audience of over 70,000 museum professionals.
Museum Marketplace – The AAM Museum Marketplace directory makes it easy for museum professionals to learn about your products and services and connect with you. Banner advertisements are available.
Bookings can be made by contacting
Exhibit, Sponsor, or Advertise at AAM 2025
The AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo is the largest gathering of museum professionals in the world, with 5,000 attendees from the U.S. and more than 50 countries.
Receive unique exposure to museum leaders and excellent networking opportunities.
In 2023, we began releasing a new Product Preview Guide annually in the May/June issue of Museum, featuring advertisers and exhibitors. See the 2024 May/June issue and Product Guide.
To sign up for the Product Guide in 2025, contact
Come ready to explore, learn, and be transformed on May 6-9, 2025 in sunny Los Angeles. Exploring the theme of Museums & Trust, there will be engaging sessions and workshops, a MuseumExpo packed with suppliers, networking lunches, and evening parties at local museums.
Speak Up for Museums – Support Museums Advocacy Day

Bring your enthusiasm to the field’s annual Museums Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, where hundreds of advocates gather in person to bring a unified message to Congress about why museums are essential and the need for funding. Join us in Arlington, VA & Washington, DC in February 2025!
Breakfast and lunch sponsorships available. View the list of 2025 Supporters.
Sponsor and Advertise in the annual TrendsWatch Report

Promote your brand with an eye to the future by sponsoring or advertising in TrendsWatch, the Alliance’s annual forecasting report and guide produced by the Center for the Future of Museums.
Now published even more widely in the January/February issue of Museum magazine, TrendsWatch includes an advertising section and sponsor recognition.
Museum Marketplace – sign up for a listing and advertise

Engage more museums and industry partners with a listing in the go-to directory for the museum field. Museum Marketplace offers more than 50 categories of museum-related products and services.
Listings are available at the Basic or Enhanced level, and automatically renew annually.
New Industry Members receive a special offer—learn more.
JobHQ – post your job openings and advertise
Looking to recruit candidates for your job openings? JobHQ is the most visited museum jobs board on the web, where you can post jobs and gain more visibility for your company in front of hiring managers and job seekers with advertising placements.
JobHQ is free for job seekers. AAM Members receive a discount on job postings.
AAM Member Mailing List – reach our members directly
View the data card for counts and list rental pricing. To place an order contact 800-708-5478 or
Industry Membership – enjoy discounts, access, and field-wide updates

Become an Industry Member and stay informed with two individual professional memberships, plus discounts on exhibiting, advertising, mailing list rentals, JobHQ, event registration, and more. Enjoy complimentary subscriptions to Museum magazine and the weekly communications, Aviso and Dispatches from the Future of Museums.
Special offer for new Industry Members:
Get a free Basic listing in Museum Marketplace or 25% discount on an Enhanced listing for one year.
Get in touch!
Interested in these marketing opportunities? Have a new product or service to promote?
Contact about developing a marketing plan.
Other ways to engage with museums
Join the conversation with over 70,000 museum professionals on our new platform for Museum Junction, the museum community space for sharing information and ideas.
Submit a session proposal, attend the AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo, and network at conference events. For AAM 2025, the call for proposals closed on November 8.
Share your expertise as a thought leader on the Alliance Blog, in Museum magazine, and through the AAM Press. Submit your story ideas. You can also promote your solutions with advertorials on the Blog and in Museum.
Source new perspectives and ideas by getting involved and enjoy making connections and learning from each other.
Connect with museum professionals from the Americas and beyond at the biannual Conference of the Americas. It was most recently held on November 20-22, 2019, in Oaxaca, Mexico. The next date and location is to be confirmed.
Apply with a museum for an award and be recognized for excellence within or in support of the museum field.
To better highlight and celebrate the museum professional community in all its diversity, we are in the process of redesigning an awards program that aligns with AAM’s strategic framework and centers equity and inclusion. Learn more.
To support excellence in museums and learn more about these marketing opportunities and becoming a corporate partner, please contact