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More Than Words Solidarity Statements and Action

When it comes to structural racism, museums must be honest about their past mistakes, including how they will address them and what they believe in now. Sites of Conscience members will …

Community, connection and activism at the National Museum of African Art

In this interview, Blooloop talks to the newly appointed Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Ngaire Blankenberg, about how her longtime work in consulting has …

Assess for Success

The AAM Museum Assessment Program inspired the Janet Turner Print Museum to expand its programming, collection, and collaboration with campus and commun…

The Role of the Board in Times of Crisis

This is a recorded session from the 2020 AAM Virtual Annual Meeting and MuseumExpo. As the world responds to the impacts of COVID‐19, many museums are faced with the challenge to …

Museum Boards: Ethics, Transparency, and Public Scrutiny

This is a recorded session from the 2020 AAM Virtual Annual Meeting and MuseumExpo. This session addresses the recent controversies surrounding museum trustees who have been the target of …

Hindsight is 2020: What We Learned About Leadership in a Crisis

At the height of the pandemic, as so many aspects of our professional and personal lives hung in the balance and emotions fluctuated between despair and hope, effective leadership surfaced …

The Era of the Visionary Museum Director Is Over … or It Should Be

In this op-ed, the Director of the Chazen Museum of Art argues that the “cult of the visionary museum director” undermines the progress institutions can make by favoring …

Rethinking Our Human Resources Practices to Build a More Equitable Museum

Less than three weeks after COVID forced museums around the globe to close their doors last year, an article by Arundhati Roy in The Financial Times titled “The Pandemic is a Portal” …

Strengthening Our Core: How Defining Shared Values Can Revitalize Teams

All aquariums, zoos, and museums have core values—beliefs, philosophies, and principles that drive the organization. These values support the organization’s vision, shape its culture, and …

How to Master Humble Learning, a Requirement for Cultural Competence

Among dancers, there is a common saying that even an advanced dancer can always work on their basic step. I have been a salsa and Latin dancer for over a decade, but when I attend a …

Running with Scissors (and a Mask!): COVID-19 Responses at Old Salem Museums & Gardens

Just as flexible buildings can withstand hurricane-force winds and earthquakes, flexible institutions can withstand monumental challenges like a global pandemic. Because of our four years …

onePULSE, Many Perspectives: Collaborating with Diverse Stakeholders to Develop the National Pulse Memorial & Museum

In the aftermath of a tragedy, there is no one way for communities to grieve and heal. This is especially true when the event impacts people on a national or even international scale. The …
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