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Breaking Research News at the AAM Annual Meeting!

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog

Reach Advisors (authors of the AAM forecasting report “Museums & Society 2034: Trends and Potential Futures“) have announced major data releases to be held at the AAM meeting later this month.

James Chung and Susie Wilkening will present findings from their recent study of over 40,000 museum-going households, and shedding light on who is using museums now, what they expect from museums and what this presages for our future audiences.

The session on Monday, May 24 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.–an overview of the research findings–will be open to all AAM registrants, but space is limited (come early!) The location (in the Convention Center) will be listed in the final program.

There are also two session being filled by RSVP only (severely limited space!) These are:

Monday, May 24
3:45 – 5:30 p.m.
To Ultra-Curiosity . . . and Beyond!
Moms, Dads, Curiosity, and Museums
Private session, just across the street from the LA Convention Center
Space is limited – RSVP to to guarantee a space
Refreshments provided

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Tuesday, May 25
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Awesome Spaces and Sticky Stuff: Childhood Museum Experiences and Museum-Going Behaviors
Private session, just across the street from the LA Convention Center
Space is limited – RSVP to to guarantee a space
Refreshments provided

Follow breaking news about the data sessions and nuggets from the research data at the Reach Advisors Blog here.

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