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A Twebevent Wrap Up

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog

Late last month, we ran the first of what will (hopefully) be many twebevents. With Cecilia Garibay and Lisa Sasaki joining Elizabeth Merritt and Phil Katz, we spent an hour on Twitter sharing information about demographics and museums, how to gain a diverse audience and staff; and ultimately shared links to information out on the Web.

This was my first time working in this format and I found it fascinating. It included all the things you find in a regular chatroom, but with all the constraints of Twitter. Having only 140 characters (less obviously once you start using hashtags) makes for some very sharp thinking. How do you express a big thought in a simple and clear manner? Want to see how successful we were? Check out the transcript of the tweets here.

As I mentioned earlier, one of the best parts of this event were the links that we shared. Here is a brief rundown on some of them. Check it out and let us know your thoughts. Also, we are interested in doing more of these in the future, so let us know what topics you’re interested in discussing. Perhaps you could be a panelist!

– Guzel duChateau, CFM Coordinator and AAM New Media Specialist.

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