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Futurist Friday: Cloud Robots

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog

Actually, the term is “cloud robotics” (machine-to-maching learning between robots over the web). But “cloud robots” sounds way cooler.

In any case, your Futurist Friday assignment, this 5 1/2 minute video “Why We Love Robots” from the YouTube series “Future Starts Here.” (I look forward to catching up on the earlier episodes, too.)

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Robots, like jet-packs, are one technology where our expectations consistently outrun our actual performance. But now robots are really starting to come into their own. They are being taught to care for the elderly and assist doctors. We have even robot jellyfish for military surveillance.

In museums we have robots helping conservators, acting as museum guides, and telepresence robots serving as physical avatars for school groups making “virtual visits.”

Today’s discussion question: if you could issue a challenge to a robotics lab, what would you most want a robot to do in your house, or in your museum?

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