Hi, Nicole here! This year’s CFM demo in the MuseumExpo during the AAM 2016 Annual Meeting was jam-packed with tough thinking and rich engagement on the issues of museums and labor. During the course of the programming from May 26-28, we hosted 21 facilitators, scores and scores (and scores!) of visitors to the booth, and gave away every single piece of swag we had! Some three weeks later, I’m still thinking with the wealth of information produced and shared during the demo and I hope you are, too!
Attendees engaging at CFM Demo |
I am deeply thankful to all our participants for their time and generosity in making this effort such a success! Many thanks, too, to the AAM staff who supported this work. I am also especially thankful to our Twitter hosts, who diligently helped us archive the conversations that took place.
Because I believe in both the power of both archives and foresight, I’m linking to the Storify of our demo. I encourage you to reminisce, scan the images, share or retweet things that make you think. Mostly, however, I hope that you use this Storify as a tool to prompt your own engagement with the ideas. The themes and questions raised during this year’s CFM sessions are big and broad. But, they aren’t without resolution. Review the archive and let us know what questions and ways forward come to mind for you!