This week the Reimagining the Museum Conference of the Americas kicked off in Medellín, Colombia bringing together more than 600 museum professionals, from Argentina to Canada and around the world, to discuss the role of museums as social transformers. The event is a result of a partnership and collaboration between the American Alliance of Museums, Fundación TyPA (Teoría y Práctica de las Artes) in Argentina, and the conference’s amazing host museum, Parque Explora.
I followed along with day one of the conference on live stream and over social media (the magic of technology!) and thought I’d share some moments. Some of this is in Spanish, but Twitter has a translator if it’s not one of your understood languages.
You can follow along yourself at #elmuseoreimaginado (that hashtag is ‘the Reimagined Museum’ in Spanish) and you can learn more from the Reimagining the Museum website. We’ll work on translating videos to share after the conference!
@Brigittelgb fantastic opening #elmuseoreimaginado casting the insight of queer culture on ecological thinking. Inspiring, surprising, free
— Matteo Merzagora (@happymerz) November 1, 2017
#elmuseoreimaginado fascinating project @museodeantioquia Community members tell their stories in the museum, complicate the narrative.
— Bonnie Lilienfeld (@lilienfeldb) November 1, 2017
Use art to tell the stories of the underrepresented when they are not found in collections. @aamers #MuseodeAntioquia #ElMuseoReimaginado
— Cinnamon C-Legutko (@CLegutko) November 1, 2017
Collaborate, privilege indigenous voices, truth telling: in service to communities #decolonizing Cinnamon Catlin-Legutko #ElMuseoReimaginado
— Anabelle Castaño (@AnabelleCas) November 1, 2017
Communities are in denial about their shameful pasts to move beyond accommodation to change @David_ACNMW #elmuseoreimaginado @BlackMuseums
— Auntaneshia Staveloz (@auntaneshias) November 1, 2017
You cannot ask your community to engage in uncomfortable conversations if you as an institution can’t be uncomfortable. #ElMuseoReimaginado
— Marion Missy McGee (@MarionMissyMcGe) November 1, 2017
Thanks to those in Medellín for sharing – find more by following #ElMuseoReimaginado.