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Futurist Friday: urban delivery drones

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog
Image of a swarm of drones taking off from a boat in the water.

This video from industrial design studio PriestmanGoode shows its vision for a fleet of urban delivery drones. 

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As the designers point out, this solution to the “last mile” of delivery could relieve traffic congestion, and help facilitate high-density development. On the other hand, the prospect of drones flying overhead, dangling packages underneath their abdomens, is really, really creepy. (Even if you don’t remember Prim’s death scene in Mockingjay.) Upbeat concept videos like this can help introduce the public to new technologies in non-threatening ways. So, are you comfortable with the idea of urban delivery drones? If not, what, other than habituation, might assuage your fears?  


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