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Museums Advocacy Day: Using Our Voice to Speak Up for Museums

Category: Advocacy
Image of the U.S. Capitol 2019

Museum advocates from around the country share their stories about the experience of advocating, why they participate in Museums Advocacy Day, and the importance of advocating for museums.


Jennifer Novotney: So I’m really excited to be here on Capitol Hill for Museums Advocacy Day.

Stephen M. White: I’m here today to advocate on behalf of the critical role that science centers and museums play across our communities.

Nessa Kerr: Museums matter because they teach us. They teach us empathy. They teach us about our cultural heritage. And they teach us how we and others relate to the world in an infinite number of ways.

Ember Farber: So Museums Advocacy Day is, first and foremost, a chance for museums to make their voices heard, and exercise their right to petition their legislators on Capitol Hill.

Christine Donovan: Museums are really—they are our cultural stewards, and they are the tellers of our stories. So I feel it’s really important for us to tell their stories to our lawmakers.

Johnna McEntee: The American Alliance of Museums does such a great job making us all feel very prepared, giving us all the information we need to be confident, powerful advocates going forward to these visits today on the Hill.

Sandi Phillips: You can always call upon your colleagues, they’re there to help you.

Stephen Whittington: I was a bit nervous at the first meeting we had, but it went really well.

Ember: It’s really about legislators being able to put that face with a name, and making sure that museums are at the table so that we’re not on the table.

Macarena Tamayo-Calabrese: These funds come to us because there is someone here that is asking and sharing the importance of what we can do with the funds.

Kippen de Alba Chu: Being a part of AAM means you’re a part of a bigger family that has a bigger voice, especially with the advocacy piece, and Museums Advocacy Day.

Christine: It feels like you’re taking your own destiny into your hands, and you’re taking the time to talk about what’s important.

Dr. Johnnetta Betsch Cole: We’ve got to meet with folk on local levels to say, “The work that we do matters!”

Ember: It’s moving to me, it’s humbling, because our advocates are so dedicated. You know, to think about people taking that time.

Christine: It is just incredible.

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