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Monday Musing…

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Hi, Nicole here! Last week, AAM brought together over twenty museum professionals from the Washington, DC area for an intimate and in-depth dialogue about museums and internships. This …

Monday Musings: on the Corcoran

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Reading the news about the Corcoran Gallery of Art last week made me very happy, if a little puzzled, too.For those of you who haven’t been following the story, a quick recap. The Corcoran …

Monday Musing: On Failure

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
I was a dinner a couple months ago, when people started dissing buzzwords. One that came in for a hit was “failure.” “I hate it when people start touting the importance of failure” one …

Monday Musing: On the Front Lines

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Dear Seb*,Thank you for tweeting me the link to this articleArt gallery ad makes clear wish for an educated staff about the Art Gallery of New South Wales replacing volunteers at the front …

Monday Musing: Data Epiphanies

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Today’s musing is sparked by an article in Forbes about a taxi company in Stockholm that devised a brilliant way to link the data generated by all its rides with other geospatial data …

Monday Musing: Mirror Mirror

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Of course, the answer to that classic question (“who’s the fairest of them all?”) is supposed to be “you—of course. You look fabulous.” But whom can we trust to tell the truth, rather than …

Monday Musing: reinventing the “library”

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
In case this is your first Monday visit to the Blog–“Musings” are my place to share brief, off-the-cuff thoughts about something I have read recently. I set the stopwatch …

Monday Musings: Personalized Learning

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
I love seeing signals that optimistic scenarios of the future are coming true. One of my favorite bright stories of the future is the “Vibrant Learning Grid” in the KnowledgeWorks 2020 …

Monday Musings: Volunteers and Discrimination

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Monday Musings is an occasional series of posts in which I challenge myself to spend 15 minutes or so sharing my thoughts on something I have read in the news, and the story’s …

Monday Musing: On Blurring Boundaries

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Monday musings are my way of sharing brief, off-the-cuff thoughts about something I have read recently, both to help clarify my thinking an in the hopes of generating discussion and …

Monday Musings: Accessible to Whom?

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
 Another in an occasional series of 15 minute musings on items in the news last week. I’m working on a blog post for tomorrow on museums’ efforts to be accessible to a broad range of …

Monday Musing: Impact Investing

Category: Center for the Future Of Museums Blog
Usually when I attend a conference, I hope to come away with a few good thoughts, maybe a lead on a person or resource I can look up afterwards. Rarely does a conference change the way I …

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