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The Center for the Future of Museums Blog shares musings on the future of museums and society.

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Introducing our Summit Speakers

I’m hunkered down writing introductions for the speakers taking the virtual stage next week for the second annual Future of Museums Summit. One of the things I like best about this event is …

Cultivating AI: Developing AI Guidelines and Literacy Resources at the Carter

Each year, AAM’s TrendsWatch serves as the launch pad for a longer, deeper exploration of the forces shaping our world.  In the following months following the release of the …

Announcing the Museum Playful Learning Collective: Shaping the Future of Early Childhood Education

I’m a huge believer in museums as essential educational infrastructure. Not just as providers of supplemental out-of-school experiences, but as organizations that excel in …

Reviving Roots: Clyfford Still Museum and the Colville Confederated Tribes Partner for the Future

As part of the Alliance’s current Next Horizon of Museum Practice project, CFM has been highlighting stories of museums trying to redress the cumulative historical effects of harm to …

Museum Apprenticeships as Entry Points for Future Leaders

Earlier this year, the National Council of Nonprofits released a report documenting that workforce shortages continue to be a major problem for US nonprofits. The report also identified …

Join Me for a New Series to Chat About the Future

Starting in August, AAM is piloting Future Chats, a series of short dives into some of the latest news. These one hour, online sessions will be dedicated to informal, interactive …

Livable Communities for Our Elders

This is an excerpt from TrendsWatch: Museums as Community Infrastructure. The full report is available as a free PDF download. “Ageism is a prejudice against our own future selves and takes …

Education for Our Children

This is an excerpt from TrendsWatch: Museums as Community Infrastructure. The full report is available as a free PDF download. “Given the challenges we face, education doesn’t need to be …

Right-Sizing the World

This excerpt is adapted from TrendsWatch: Museums as Community Infrastructure. The full report is available as a free PDF download. “I don’t know why people feel unhappy when the curve of a …

Help Pioneer Better Measures of Museum Performance

What’s the best way to measure a museum’s success? And by “best,” I mean meaningful and sustainable. “Meaningful” in the form of metrics that will make a community feel it has been well …

Emergency Response in the Face of Disasters

This is an excerpt from TrendsWatch: Museums as Community Infrastructure. The full report is available as a free PDF download. “There’s nothing like a jolly good disaster to get people to …
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The Influence of Staff on Museum Engagement and Visitation: A 2024 Annual Survey of Museum-Goers Data Story

Category: Alliance Blog
This visual Data Story is based on findings from the 2024 Annual Survey of Museum-Goers, a national survey of American museum visitors from AAM and Wilkening Consulting. Every year, the …

October Advocacy Updates – Fall Advocacy and Speak Up for Museums

Category: Advocacy Alert
In this Alliance Advocacy Alert: Speak Up for Museums: October Appropriations Update Resources: Was your Museum Impacted by the Hurricane? Mark Your Calendars: Museums Advocacy Day 2025 in …

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