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Do you want to develop a new strategic plan or mission statement for your museum? AAM’s mission and institutional planning programs can help!

On-demand programs are free to Individual, Ally, Industry, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Members. Be sure to log in to your membership account to access these programs.

Effective Strategies for Strengthening Americans’ Democratic Attitudes

American democracy is under a significant threat from a concerning number of partisans who tolerate anti-democratic practices endorsed by political elites and/or harboring strong hostility …

Resilience for Museums Strategies to Address Challenging Realities

Times of extraordinary change and disruption demand flexibility, humility, perseverance, self-reflection, and responsiveness of museum leaders. Agile leadership requires mapping out a …

What Happens When Museums Close

Watch this recorded discussion about what happens when museums close from the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. Senior leaders with firsthand experience at a museum that has closed (or come …

Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey “How to” Webinar

Cycle 3 of the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey – funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation – opened to art museums across North America on Monday, February 7. To support the data …

Required Elements of an Institutional Plan

This recorded webinar explores the elements of an institutional plan based on core standards; the most common plan shortcomings; and different approaches to planning and imple…

Required Elements of an Education-Focused Mission Statement

Watch this recorded webinar where colleagues explore the required elements of an education-focused mission statement based on national standards, why your museum needs an effective mission …

Latest Stories from AAM

Innovations in Relevance: A Q&A with Stephen Reily of Remuseum

Category: Alliance Blog
I first learned about Stephen Reily when he was the director of Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Kentucky, which at the time was making headlines for its Breonna Taylor-themed exhibition …

Urgent: Protect IMLS from Indiscriminate Staffing Cuts

Category: Advocacy Alert
Please take a moment today to contact your members of Congress and express concerns about potential indiscriminate staffing cuts at the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). As a …

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