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Show Congress How Vital Museums Are at Museums Advocacy Day 2019

Category: Advocacy Alert
Museums Advocacy Day 2019 Image
Museums Advocacy Day 2019 Image

Advocacy Alert – January 25, 2019

Show Congress How Vital Museums Are at Museums Advocacy Day 2019

A new Congress has convened facing an enormous list of timely policy debates, including support for museums. Together as a field we’ve defeated several threats to eliminate federal agencies supporting museums and have secured some funding increases, but we must make our case to every member of Congress.

Museums Advocacy Day, coming up February 25-26 in Washington, DC, is a unique opportunity to join with other museum professionals and supporters to speak up for museums. This is your chance to meet with your legislators’ offices on Capitol Hill and tell them first-hand how their workĀ impacts yours. Register today before online registration closes.


Today is also the LAST DAY to book your room at the Washington Plaza Hotel at the discounted Museums Advocacy Day rate!

Here are just five of the top reasons to participate in Museums Advocacy Day 2019:

1. Hear directly from IMLS and congressional insiders. IMLS is funded for FY 2019 and will be joining us at Museums Advocacy Day. We’re also lining up exciting speakers with direct knowledge of the political process and current Capitol Hill environment to share their unique perspectives and timely insights.

2. Speak up for the federal agencies that support museums and their historic, scientific, artistic and educational work in our communities. The best way to support the agencies that support museums is to speak up for them early and often. While it remains unclear when the partial government shutdown will end, every member of Congress needs to hear about the value of these agencies and the work they help make possible across the country.

3. Build critical relationships and your own skills. In addition to networking with leaders across the field and peersĀ from your state and region, you’ll have the chanceĀ to start or solidify relationships with key staff in your legislators’ offices, in congressional meetings scheduled by AAM. Gain advocacy strategies and techniques you can use on Capitol Hill, with your city council and state legislators, with local and regional funders, and to advocate for yourself throughout your career.

4. Get expert advocacy training and join timely thought-leader discussions. The robust Museums Advocacy Day program includes Advocacy Guru Stephanie Vance, AAM President and CEO Laura Lott, and Elizabeth Merritt, the Alliance’s Vice President for Strategic Foresight, and founding director of the Center for the Future of Museums. In addition to key legislative asks, we’ll be sharing powerful data & infographics showing the economic impact of museums and discussing the future of museums and education. Be a part of the conversation!

5. Share your passion and your story with the people who represent you. Your constituency is your advocacy super-power. Nothing has the same impact on legislators and their staff as hearing directly from the people they represent. And your passion makes your story even more powerful.

Don’t just take our word for it – see some of the success stories of your peers and fellow museum advocates.

Museums Advocacy Day is a truly energizing and inspiring experience, and it won’t be the same without you. Let us know any questions and we’ll plan to see you there.

Use #museumsadvocacy2019 to join the conversation on social media.

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