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Museum magazine is our bi-monthly, award-winning magazine addressing the issues and challenges facing museums today. Learn more about the magazine. A selection of past Museum articles is available here to all. Join or renew your membership today to access the full digital archives.

Message from the President: Museums for an Open Mind

This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s July/August 2024 issue, a benefit of AAM membership. When I worked at the Chicago Architecture Foundation, the audience surveys we …

Changing the Rules of Engagement: Evidence-based strategies for depolarization and civil discourse

There are evidence-based strategies museums can employ to become sites of depolarization and civil discourse. This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s July/August 2024 issue, a …

Fighting Apathy at the Japanese American National Museum

The Japanese American National Museum’s Democracy Center promotes unity among people of all backgrounds. This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s July/August 2024 issue, a …

Search History: Enhancing museum collection access and reducing bias through public input in digital catalogues

Including the public in digital catalogue descriptions will improve access to museum collections and help remove bias. This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s July/August 2024 …

A Controversy of Monumental Proportions at the Kent State Memorial

The Kent State memorial commemorating the May 4, 1970, shootings has been polarizing since its inception. This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s July/August 2024 issue, a …

A primer for cultivating more inclusive attitudes among the public.

A primer for cultivating more inclusive attitudes among the public. This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s July/August 2024 issue, a benefit of AAM membership. The following …

Philosophy of Choice: What if visitors could choose their own intellectual pathways in museum exhibitions?

What if visitors could choose their own intellectual pathways in museum exhibitions? This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s July/August 2024 issue, a benefit of …

Message from the President: The Curious Life

This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s May/June 2024 issue, a benefit of AAM membership. Hello, Museum readers! I’m delighted to address you for the first time as AAM’s new …

Point of View: The Museum and the Mind

The field of neuroarts is documenting how the arts and aesthetic experiences measurably change the body, brain, and behavior. This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s May/June …

Designing a Watershed Experience at the Ontario Museum of History and Art

With its exhibition on water, the Ontario Museum of History and Art aims to educate and empower its community and address its wellbeing. This article originally appeared …

Supporting Those Who Care at the Baltimore Museum of Art

The Baltimore Museum of Art has partnered with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to better prepare medical students. This article originally appeared in Museum magazine’s …
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Urgent – Oppose Drastic House Funding Cuts to IMLS

Category: Advocacy Alert
Advocacy Alert – July 19, 2024 In this Alliance Advocacy Alert: URGENT! Oppose Drastic House Funding Cuts to IMLS #InviteCongress 2024: Use Our How-To Guide to Participate Civic …

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