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Museums & Personalized Learning: Hey Vermont, Wassup?!?!

Category: Center for the Future of Museums Blog

School started last week for Vermont students, and incoming high school freshmen are going to be exploring a fragment of the future. The class of 2020 will be the first students covered by Vermont Act 77, which mandates personalized learning plans for every secondary-school student. 

The Act is designed to “create opportunities for secondary students to pursue flexible pathways to graduation” and specifies that these pathways can include “applied or work-based learning opportunities” 

Since the act was signed into law in 2013, I’ve been searching for Vermont museums that propose to be part of students personal learning pathways. So here’s another shout-out: HEY VERMONT MUSEUMS, WASSUP WITH ACT 77???” 

And to get everyone jazzed up about a future in which personal learning is validated in all 50 states, see what Vermont high-schoolers have to sing (and dance, and play) about the matter:

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  1. Most, if not all, museums in Vermont are involved in an organized conversation with the VT Department of Education on how Expanded Learning Providers (museums, science centers) can support Act 77. There have been three or four statewide meetings with dozens attending, as many as thirty. The conversation was initially convened at Shelburne Museum by the museum and the VT Department of Education.

  2. Thank you so much, Tom! I hoped that was the case but until now couldn't find someone at either end (museums or Department of Ed) to connect with. May I follow up with you offline?

  3. And Tom (and others) you may be interested in this Forum being held in November, organized by the Expanded Learning Coalition Project and the Vermont Creative Schools Initiative
    It might be a good place for museum people to connect with educators looking for alternative learning resources to connect with their schools

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