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The below list is a compilation of content related to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis

What University Museum Educators Have Learned from the Pandemic

In this series of posts, EdCom’s Trends Committee is taking a deeper look at emerging phenomena identified in the 2021 edition of TrendsWatch from the Center for the Future of Museums. In …

Speak Up for Museums: Spring Advocacy Updates

Advocacy Alert – March 24, 2022 In this Alliance Advocacy Alert: Museums Advocacy Day: Museum Advocates Make Their Voices Heard Good News in FY 2022 Omnibus: Funding Increases for …

Crafting a Post-Disaster Experience: How Visitor Experience Staff Have Adapted to the Pandemic

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, museums everywhere have become more people-centric. Top-line conversations have centered on the thoughts and feelings of our visitors as we have …

The Future of Museum Labor: Exploring the Latest COVID Impact Data

Last week the Alliance released the results of our most recent snapshot of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on US museums. We launched this series of surveys in June 2020, a little over …

National Snapshot of COVID-19 Impact on United States Museums (fielded December 2021-January 2022)

The National Snapshot of COVID-19 Impact on United States Museums survey, conducted by AAM and Wilkening Consulting, was fielded December 8, 2021-January 20, 2022.  Over 700 museum …

How will you speak up for museums in 2022?

Advocacy Alert – January 19, 2022 In this Alliance Advocacy Alert: Register Today: Museums Advocacy Day 2022 Registration Closes THIS Friday, January 21! Contact Congress: Urge Your …

In the Pandemic a New Museum Charter School is Born

Over the past two years, the pandemic has prompted museums to experiment with new products and services to meet the needs of their communities. Some of these experiments have turned out to …

MOCA now requires upgraded face coverings: No cloth masks

Forecasting 2022, Part 3: Build Your Own Adventure

When I sat down to write the third entry in CFM’s scenario set for 2022, I struggled over what kind of story would most usefully round out the collection. Scenario one (A Third Year of …

The Long-awaited Tail

“With our imagination, the future is a place where anything, or one hundred things, or everything, can be different—even things that seem impossible to change today.” –Dr. Jane …

The Top Ten Alliance Blog Posts of 2021

Though 2021 was a slightly more normal year than 2020, with mostly open museums gradually regaining visitors, the pandemic still loomed large and colored most conversations. On the Alliance …
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