Peer Review


Peer reviewers are museum professionals who volunteer their time to support our Accreditation and Museum Assessment Programs (MAP). They review museum self-assessment materials, conduct site visits and facilitate the institutional planning process. Their service is the critical backbone to the success of both programs.

Hear from AAM Peer Reviewers in their own words.

What does a Peer Reviewer do?

  • Review museum self-assessment materials
  • Conduct site visits
  • Facilitate the institutional planning process

Reviewers are matched to museums based on type/discipline and size. Sometimes they are matched based on their experience and expertise with a particular governance structure or type of institutional challenge.

Why become a Peer Reviewer?

Gain professional development and the opportunity to give back to the field. With each site visit, you interact with fellow professionals and learn how another museum is meeting its challenges

Who can become an Alliance Peer Reviewer?

A museum professional who is:

  • Knowledgeable about museum operations with at least five years of experience
  • A participant in the field-wide dialogue on standards, professional practices and emerging field-wide issues (e.g., speaking, writing, teaching, reviewing grants, conferences, etc.)
  • A good communicator with excellent interpersonal skills
  • A strong writer and critical thinker
  • Committed to the highest ethical standards and levels of professionalism
  • Willing to travel and volunteer 40-80 hours of time per assignment

Do Peer Reviewers need to be members of the Alliance?

While Peer Reviewers do not need to be members of the Alliance to participate, joining is recommended as it provides access to additional information and resources that assist you as a reviewer.

What are the differences between MAP and Accreditation Reviewers?

MAP and Accreditation programs require peer reviewers to be:

  • Well-informed about current standards and professional practices in the field
  • Broadly knowledgeable about institutions similar to the ones they review
  • Objective, professional, thorough, and diplomatic while visiting the museums and preparing their reports
  • Scrupulous in maintaining confidentiality about the results of the review

Beyond these basic similarities there are significant differences in roles and responsibilities for peer reviewers—in line with the different objectives of MAP versus Accreditation. For more detailed information please follow the links below:

Learn more about being a MAP Peer Reviewer

Learn more about being an Accreditation Peer Reviewer

Contact Us About Peer Review


For specific questions about a MAP or Accreditation site visit, contact the appropriate program:

Accreditation Program: or 202-289-9116

Museum Assessment Program: or 202-289-9118

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