Awards and Recognition

2018 Museum Publications Design Competition Winners

View of the Unsettled book standing open on a white background.
All photos courtesy of Bennett DeOlazo, Creative Director, Studio B

(Images appear for first place and Innovations in Print winners only. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.)

The Frances Smyth-Ravenel Prize for Excellence in Publication Design

Nevada Museum of Art
Reno, NV
Designed by: Brad Bartlett

First Prize

View of the Triennial book with title in white on a square shape in black standing with the leaves exposed on a white background.

Exhibition Catalogues

National Gallery of Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
NGV Triennial
Designed by: Dirk Hiscock
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of the Midcentury Master book with an image of Emil Milan on the cover with the book "sleeve", a wooden cover for the book with an embossed bird on the front, to the left hand side. The Center for Art in Wood
Philadelphia, PA
Emil Milan: Midcentury Master
Designed by: Erika Brask and Dan Saal/Wonderfull Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

View of the Axis Mundo book with an image of two women laying on a couch with heavy makeup and an image of a line of people wearing Maricou t-shirts below the title in white text. ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives at the USC Libraries
Los Angeles, CA
Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A.
Designed by: Kimberly Varella, Content Object
Institutional budget of less than $1 million


View of poster with eight different modules related to World War I. Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
Washington, DC
World War I: Lessons & Legacies
Designed by: Jillian Columbus, Explorers Studio LLC
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Annual Reports

View of the NYBG Annual Report with a lovely shot of the museums grounds taken from above with the staff spelling out 125 for the museum's anniversary. The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY
NYBG Annual Report
Designed by: The New York Botanical Garden Marketing & Communications Department
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of a sepia toned Annual Report from 2016 with the image of a bonsai tree to the left. Shown with a cream colored envelope behind. National Bonsai Foundation for the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum
Washington, DC
The National Bonsai Foundation Annual Report/2016
Designed by: Polygraph Creative, Inc.
Institutional budget of less than $1 million


View of a cloth covered book with the leaves showing and an image of a desert scene with a blue sky "framed" in a rectangle on the front cover. Dia Art Foundation
New York, NY
Walter De Maria: The Lightning Field
Designed by: Don Quaintance, Public Address Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of an open book with a light blue cover with an embossed pattern on the front cover. Harvard Art Museums
Cambridge, MA
An Album of Artists’ Drawings from Qajar Iran
Designed by: Harvard Art Museums Design Department
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of a cover with various images of object de arte on the front (including a silver epergne, a harpsichord, a bird in a cage, and a peacock among other things). The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures
Kansas City, MO
Miniature Masterworks
Designed by: Design Ranch
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

IThree books stacked on top of one another including "Subjects Lacking Words?," "Ultimate Witnesses," and "Twinsome Minds"reland’s Great Hunger Museum
Hamden, CT
Famine Folios: Series 4
Designed by: Rachel Foley
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Newsletters and Calendar of Events

View of the front cover of the View newsletter with an open white flower with red petals in the center. Spencer Museum of Art
Lawrence, KS
View Spring 2018 Issue
Designed by: Jeffrey McKee; Editor: Elizabeth Kanost; Photographer: Ryan Waggoner
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of the front cover of the Pulitzer Arts Foundation Newsletter with the image of a straw and figure standing on a plinth. Pulitzer Arts Foundation
St. Louis, MO
Fall 2017 Program Guide
Designed by: Athletics
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of an accordian folded newsletter with various images from the museum's collection. Bard Graduate Center Gallery
New York, NY
Bard Graduate Center Program Calendars
Designed by: Art Direction: Kate DeWitt; Designer: Jocelyn Lau
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Magazines/Scholarly Journals

View of the Accelerate journal with an image of a black man in a sitting pose with light illuminating him. The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum at Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY
Accelerate: Access & Inclusion at The Tang Teaching Museum (no.1)
Designed by: Linked by Air
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of the Metropolitan Museum Journal with the image of a drawing with a naked woman reclining on a blanket looking into the distance with a mountain and trees. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Metropolitan Museum Journal, volume 52 / 2017
Designed by: Tina Henderson, based on original design by Lucinda Hitchcock
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Invitations to Events

View of an invitation open with various pages inside with Walker Evans' images. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Walker Evans Exhibition Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Bosco Hernández; Art Direction: Meghan Berckes; Designer: Jody Hanson
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of an invitation to the Edvard Munch exhibition opening in oranges and greens. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Edvard Munch Exhibition Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Bosco Hernández; Art Direction: Meghan Berckes; Designer: Sunny SunDuck Oh
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of an invitation to the 12th Annual Mary Tucker Jasper award ceremony. Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site
Indianapolis, IN
Mary Tucker Jasper Speaker Series Invitation
Designed by: Commercial Artisan
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Press Kits, Marketing, and Public Relations Material

View of the Robert Blackburn exhibition promotional booklet with the drawing of a calligraphy pen and other images on the front. Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services
Washington, DC
Robert Blackburn & Modern American Printmaking
Designed by: Jodi Bloom, Designfarm
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Fundraising and Membership Material

View of the Hammer Museum membership brochure. Hammer Museum at UCLA
Los Angeles, CA
Hammer Museum Capital Campaign Book
Designed by: Kim Baer/KBDA
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of the National Public Housing Museum campaign brochure. National Public Housing Museum
Chicago, IL
Power of Place: Campaign for the National Public Housing Museum
Designed by: Designers: Emma Magidson and Tuan Pham; Creative Director: Cheryl Towler Weese; Image Separation: Prographics; Print Broker: Lowitz and Sons
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Educational Resources

View of various educational resource packets including for People and Portraits, Animals and Creatures, and Nature and Landscape.Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Bentonville, AR
Crystal Bridges Family Guide Series
Designed by: Justin Seymore
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Exhibition Collateral Materials

View of various pieces of the Ocean Liners exhibition collateral material in blues and oranges. Peabody Essex Museum
Salem, MA
“Ocean Liners: Glamour, Speed, and Style” Exhibition Collateral Materials
Designed by: Julie Diewald, Peabody Essex Museum
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

View of the Things of Beauty Growing exhibition collateral material with the image of a rough hewn piece of pottery on the cover. Yale Center for British Art
New Haven, CT
Things of Beauty Growing
Designed by: Lyn Bell Rose
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Institutional Materials

View of the Museum of Science View BookMuseum of Science, Boston
Boston, MA
Museum of Science View Book
Designed by: Corey, McPherson and Nash
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Innovations in Print

Two black rectangular cards sit at an angle on a grey background.
Image courtesy of SFMOMA

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
PlaySFMOMA Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: Jody Hanson

View of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art invitation to the Birthday Bash with envelope. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Birthday Bash Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: James Provenza

View of the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago promotional materials. Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Chicago, IL
50th Anniversary Promotional Materials
Designed by: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago

Second Prize

Exhibition Catalogues

The Fabric Workshop and Museum
Philadelphia, PA
Ann Hamilton: habitus
Designed by: Takaaki Matsumoto, Matsumoto Incorporated
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Center for Contemporary Arts
Santa Fe, NM
Mapping Resonance
Designed by: David Chickey/Radius Books
Institutional budget of less than $1 million


Seattle Art Museum
Seattle, WA
Designed by: Natali Wiseman
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Annual Reports

USS Constitution Museum
Boston, MA
USS Constitution Museum 2017 Annual Report
Designed by: David Wedemeyer and Jon Christensen
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Montana Historical Society and Montan’s Museum
Helena, MT
2017 Annual Report
Designed by: Eileen Chontos
Photo Editor: Laura Ferguson
Institutional budget of less than $1 million


The Fabric Workshop and Museum
Philadelphia, PA
Process and Practice: The Fabric Workshop and Museum
Designed by: Takaaki Matsumoto, Matsumoto Incorporated
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
Charles Burchfield Exalted Nature
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

The Historic New Orleans Collection
New Orleans, LA
Guidebooks to Sin: The Blue Books of Storyville, New Orleans
Designed by: Alison Cody Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Newsletters and Calendar of Events

The Jewish Museum
New York, NY
Family Programs Brochure – Fall 2017
Designed by: Hilda Wong
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

The Jewish Museum
New York, NY
Jewish Museum Members’ Newsletter – Spring & Summer 2017
Designed by: Claire Zimmerman
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Modern Cinema Brochures
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: Mathieu Stemmelen/Paola Rojas
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Tarble Arts Center
Charleston, IL
Tarble Times
Designed by: Kaen Hentry
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Magazines/Scholarly Journals

The Studio Museum in Harlem
New York, NY
Studio magazine
Designed by: Pentagram
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Invitations to Events

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art
New York, NY
“Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World” Reception Invitation
Designed by: Janice I-Chiao Lee
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art
New York, NY
“Visionaries: Creating a Modern Guggenheim” Reception
Designed by: Peter Raphael Castro
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Press Kits, Marketing, and Public Relations Material

Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Chicago, IL
50th Anniversary Promotional Materials
Designed by: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Fundraising and Membership Material

The Wild Center
Tupper Lake, NY
Case Statement for Support
Designed by: Designer: Andrea Hopkins; Writer: Maggie Cohn
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Educational Resources

The Contemporary Austin
Austin, TX
Kids’ Guide 2017
Designed by: Pentagram
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film
Atlanta, GA
Guo Pei: Couture Beyond, SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film curriculum guide
Designed by: Savannah College of Art and Design; Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia; Hong Kong; Lacoste, France
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Exhibition Collateral Materials

Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
Craig LaRotonda Divine Messengers
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Yale Center for British Art
New Haven, CT
The British Castle
Designed by: Lyn Bell Rose
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Institutional Materials

The Mob Museum
Las Vegas, NV
Connected to the Community booklet
Designed by: Glenn Group
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Honorable Mention

Exhibition Catalogues

Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
50 in 50
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Davis Museum
Wellesley, MA
Eddie Martinez: Ants at a Picknic
Designed by: Stoltze Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
New Guinea Highlands: Art from the Jolika Collection
Designed by: Zach Hooker
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

National Gallery of Art
Washington DC
Outliers and American Vanguard Art
Designed by: Wendy Schleicher
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

National Gallery of Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
The House of Dior: Seventy Years of Haute Couture
Designed by: Dirk Hiscock
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Smithsonian American Art Museum/Renwick Gallery
Washington, DC
Tamayo: The New York Years
Designed by: Karen Siatras
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Irving Penn: Centennial
Designed by: Margaret Bauer
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garҫons: Art of the In-Between
Designed by: Fabien Baron, Yuki Iwashiro, Baron & Baron, New York
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Center for Contemporary Arts
Santa Fe, NM
Tom Joyce: Everything at Hand
Designed by: David Chickey/Radius Books
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
Charleston, SC
Fahamu Pecou: Visible Man
Designed by: Gil Shuler Graphic Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

University Galleries, University of San Diego
San Diego, CA
Xerografia: Copyart in Brazil, 1970-1990
Designed by: Alex Kohnke, Shiffman & Kohnke
Institutional budget of less than $1 million


Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services
Washington, DC
Journey Stories
Designed by: Studio A
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
Coltrane Celebration
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Annual Reports

New Orleans Museum of Art
New Orleans, LA
NOMA 2016 Annual Report
Designed by: Mary Degnan
Institutional budget of more than $1 million


Museum of New Mexico Press
Santa Fe, NM
Albuquerque Museum Photo Archives Collection: Images in Silver
Published in association with the Albuquerque Museum
Designed by: Michael Motely; Art Direction: David Skolkin
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Museum of New Mexico Press
Santa Fe, NM
Spoken Through Clay: Native-Pottery of the Southwest—The Eric S. Dobkin Collection
Designed by: David Skolkin
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Dia Art Foundation
New York, NY
Robert Ryman
Designed by: Joseph Logan Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Boston, MA
The Propaganda Front: Postcards from the Era of World Wars
Designed by: Susan Marsh
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Getty Publications
Los Angeles, CA
Reyner Banham and the Paradoxes of High Tech
Designed by: Getty Publications s/b Designed by: Catherine Lorenz
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Newsletters and Calendar of Events

Williams College Museum of Art
Williamstown, MA
Williams College Museum of Art Fall 2017
Designed by: David Edge Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Planting Fields Foundation
Oyster Bay, NY
Evergreen Fall/Winter 2017
Designed by: Creative Director: Henry B. Joyce; Art Direction: Lilly McGurk; Designer: Amy Herling, Macomea Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Magazines/Scholarly Journals

The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY
Saving the Plants of the World
Designed by: The New York Botanical Garden Marketing & Communications Department
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
SFMOMA Member Magazine
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby/Bosco Hernández; Project Art Direction: James Provenza; Design + Production: Jody Hanson
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Montana Historical Society and Montana’s Museum
Helena, MT
Montana The Magazine of Western History
Designed by: Diane Gleba Hall
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Hennepin History Museum
Minneapolis, MN
Hennepin History
Designed by: Linda Koutsky
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Invitations to Events

Dallas Museum of Art
Dallas, TX
All That Glitters Art Ball 2017 invitation
Designed by: Rosemary Gutierrez, Dallas Museum of Art
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Smithsonian American Art Museum/Renwick Gallery
Washington, DC
Murder Is Her Hobby: Frances Glessner Lee/Rick Araluce Invitation
Designed by: Karen Siatras
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Smithsonian American Art Museum/Renwick Gallery
Washington, DC
Director’s Circle Dinner with artist Nick Cave invitation
Designed by: Karen Siatras
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Marco Island Historical Society
Marco Island, FL
Appraisal Faire and “Affaire to Remember” Gala
Designed by: Sherri Morrison Creative Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million

Press Kits, Marketing, and Public Relations Material

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
New York, NY
“Visionaries: Creating A Modern Guggenheim” subway and magazine ads
Designed by: Peter Raphael Castro and Lisa Naftolin
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Fundraising and Membership Material

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Washington, DC
017 Year in Review
Designed by: Mary Gasperetti; Writer: Anne Merrill
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Santa Fe, NM
New Mexico Museum of Art Centennial Campaign Case Statement
Designed by: Bob Borden, Ideas and People
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Educational Resources

Anchorage Museum
Anchorage, AK
Education Booklet Series
Designed by: Alex France, Anchorage Museum
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Exhibition Collateral Materials

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Richmond, VA
Yves Saint Laurent Sketchbook
Designed by: Jennifer Lockhart
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Guggenheim Museum
New York, NY
“Turn It On” rack card for the film program of “Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World” exhibition
Designed by: Marcia Fardella and Janice I-Chiao Lee
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

Institutional Materials

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: Jody Hanson
Institutional budget of more than $1 million

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