2018 Museum Publications Design Competition Winners

(Images appear for first place and Innovations in Print winners only. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.)
The Frances Smyth-Ravenel Prize for Excellence in Publication Design
Nevada Museum of Art
Reno, NV
Designed by: Brad Bartlett
First Prize
Exhibition Catalogues
National Gallery of Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
NGV Triennial
Designed by: Dirk Hiscock
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
The Center for Art in Wood
Philadelphia, PA
Emil Milan: Midcentury Master
Designed by: Erika Brask and Dan Saal/Wonderfull Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives at the USC Libraries
Los Angeles, CA
Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A.
Designed by: Kimberly Varella, Content Object
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
Washington, DC
World War I: Lessons & Legacies
Designed by: Jillian Columbus, Explorers Studio LLC
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Annual Reports
The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY
NYBG Annual Report
Designed by: The New York Botanical Garden Marketing & Communications Department
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
National Bonsai Foundation for the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum
Washington, DC
The National Bonsai Foundation Annual Report/2016
Designed by: Polygraph Creative, Inc.
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Dia Art Foundation
New York, NY
Walter De Maria: The Lightning Field
Designed by: Don Quaintance, Public Address Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Harvard Art Museums
Cambridge, MA
An Album of Artists’ Drawings from Qajar Iran
Designed by: Harvard Art Museums Design Department
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures
Kansas City, MO
Miniature Masterworks
Designed by: Design Ranch
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum
Hamden, CT
Famine Folios: Series 4
Designed by: Rachel Foley
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Newsletters and Calendar of Events
Spencer Museum of Art
Lawrence, KS
View Spring 2018 Issue
Designed by: Jeffrey McKee; Editor: Elizabeth Kanost; Photographer: Ryan Waggoner
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Pulitzer Arts Foundation
St. Louis, MO
Fall 2017 Program Guide
Designed by: Athletics
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Bard Graduate Center Gallery
New York, NY
Bard Graduate Center Program Calendars
Designed by: Art Direction: Kate DeWitt; Designer: Jocelyn Lau
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Magazines/Scholarly Journals
The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum at Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY
Accelerate: Access & Inclusion at The Tang Teaching Museum (no.1)
Designed by: Linked by Air
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Metropolitan Museum Journal, volume 52 / 2017
Designed by: Tina Henderson, based on original design by Lucinda Hitchcock
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Invitations to Events
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Walker Evans Exhibition Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Bosco Hernández; Art Direction: Meghan Berckes; Designer: Jody Hanson
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Edvard Munch Exhibition Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Bosco Hernández; Art Direction: Meghan Berckes; Designer: Sunny SunDuck Oh
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site
Indianapolis, IN
Mary Tucker Jasper Speaker Series Invitation
Designed by: Commercial Artisan
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Press Kits, Marketing, and Public Relations Material
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services
Washington, DC
Robert Blackburn & Modern American Printmaking
Designed by: Jodi Bloom, Designfarm
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Fundraising and Membership Material
Hammer Museum at UCLA
Los Angeles, CA
Hammer Museum Capital Campaign Book
Designed by: Kim Baer/KBDA
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
National Public Housing Museum
Chicago, IL
Power of Place: Campaign for the National Public Housing Museum
Designed by: Designers: Emma Magidson and Tuan Pham; Creative Director: Cheryl Towler Weese; Image Separation: Prographics; Print Broker: Lowitz and Sons
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Educational Resources
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Bentonville, AR
Crystal Bridges Family Guide Series
Designed by: Justin Seymore
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Exhibition Collateral Materials
Peabody Essex Museum
Salem, MA
“Ocean Liners: Glamour, Speed, and Style” Exhibition Collateral Materials
Designed by: Julie Diewald, Peabody Essex Museum
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Yale Center for British Art
New Haven, CT
Things of Beauty Growing
Designed by: Lyn Bell Rose
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Institutional Materials
Museum of Science, Boston
Boston, MA
Museum of Science View Book
Designed by: Corey, McPherson and Nash
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Innovations in Print

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
PlaySFMOMA Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: Jody Hanson
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Birthday Bash Invitation
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: James Provenza
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Chicago, IL
50th Anniversary Promotional Materials
Designed by: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Second Prize
Exhibition Catalogues
The Fabric Workshop and Museum
Philadelphia, PA
Ann Hamilton: habitus
Designed by: Takaaki Matsumoto, Matsumoto Incorporated
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Center for Contemporary Arts
Santa Fe, NM
Mapping Resonance
Designed by: David Chickey/Radius Books
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle, WA
Designed by: Natali Wiseman
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Annual Reports
USS Constitution Museum
Boston, MA
USS Constitution Museum 2017 Annual Report
Designed by: David Wedemeyer and Jon Christensen
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Montana Historical Society and Montan’s Museum
Helena, MT
2017 Annual Report
Designed by: Eileen Chontos
Photo Editor: Laura Ferguson
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
The Fabric Workshop and Museum
Philadelphia, PA
Process and Practice: The Fabric Workshop and Museum
Designed by: Takaaki Matsumoto, Matsumoto Incorporated
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
Charles Burchfield Exalted Nature
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
The Historic New Orleans Collection
New Orleans, LA
Guidebooks to Sin: The Blue Books of Storyville, New Orleans
Designed by: Alison Cody Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Newsletters and Calendar of Events
The Jewish Museum
New York, NY
Family Programs Brochure – Fall 2017
Designed by: Hilda Wong
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
The Jewish Museum
New York, NY
Jewish Museum Members’ Newsletter – Spring & Summer 2017
Designed by: Claire Zimmerman
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Modern Cinema Brochures
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: Mathieu Stemmelen/Paola Rojas
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Tarble Arts Center
Charleston, IL
Tarble Times
Designed by: Kaen Hentry
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Magazines/Scholarly Journals
The Studio Museum in Harlem
New York, NY
Studio magazine
Designed by: Pentagram
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Invitations to Events
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art
New York, NY
“Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World” Reception Invitation
Designed by: Janice I-Chiao Lee
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Art
New York, NY
“Visionaries: Creating a Modern Guggenheim” Reception
Designed by: Peter Raphael Castro
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Press Kits, Marketing, and Public Relations Material
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Chicago, IL
50th Anniversary Promotional Materials
Designed by: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Fundraising and Membership Material
The Wild Center
Tupper Lake, NY
Case Statement for Support
Designed by: Designer: Andrea Hopkins; Writer: Maggie Cohn
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Educational Resources
The Contemporary Austin
Austin, TX
Kids’ Guide 2017
Designed by: Pentagram
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film
Atlanta, GA
Guo Pei: Couture Beyond, SCAD FASH Museum of Fashion + Film curriculum guide
Designed by: Savannah College of Art and Design; Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia; Hong Kong; Lacoste, France
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Exhibition Collateral Materials
Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
Craig LaRotonda Divine Messengers
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Yale Center for British Art
New Haven, CT
The British Castle
Designed by: Lyn Bell Rose
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Institutional Materials
The Mob Museum
Las Vegas, NV
Connected to the Community booklet
Designed by: Glenn Group
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Honorable Mention
Exhibition Catalogues
Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
50 in 50
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Davis Museum
Wellesley, MA
Eddie Martinez: Ants at a Picknic
Designed by: Stoltze Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
New Guinea Highlands: Art from the Jolika Collection
Designed by: Zach Hooker
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
National Gallery of Art
Washington DC
Outliers and American Vanguard Art
Designed by: Wendy Schleicher
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
National Gallery of Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
The House of Dior: Seventy Years of Haute Couture
Designed by: Dirk Hiscock
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Smithsonian American Art Museum/Renwick Gallery
Washington, DC
Tamayo: The New York Years
Designed by: Karen Siatras
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Irving Penn: Centennial
Designed by: Margaret Bauer
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY
Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garҫons: Art of the In-Between
Designed by: Fabien Baron, Yuki Iwashiro, Baron & Baron, New York
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Center for Contemporary Arts
Santa Fe, NM
Tom Joyce: Everything at Hand
Designed by: David Chickey/Radius Books
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
Charleston, SC
Fahamu Pecou: Visible Man
Designed by: Gil Shuler Graphic Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
University Galleries, University of San Diego
San Diego, CA
Xerografia: Copyart in Brazil, 1970-1990
Designed by: Alex Kohnke, Shiffman & Kohnke
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services
Washington, DC
Journey Stories
Designed by: Studio A
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Burchfield Penney Art Center
Buffalo, NY
Coltrane Celebration
Designed by: White Bicycle
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Annual Reports
New Orleans Museum of Art
New Orleans, LA
NOMA 2016 Annual Report
Designed by: Mary Degnan
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Museum of New Mexico Press
Santa Fe, NM
Albuquerque Museum Photo Archives Collection: Images in Silver
Published in association with the Albuquerque Museum
Designed by: Michael Motely; Art Direction: David Skolkin
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Museum of New Mexico Press
Santa Fe, NM
Spoken Through Clay: Native-Pottery of the Southwest—The Eric S. Dobkin Collection
Designed by: David Skolkin
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Dia Art Foundation
New York, NY
Robert Ryman
Designed by: Joseph Logan Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Boston, MA
The Propaganda Front: Postcards from the Era of World Wars
Designed by: Susan Marsh
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Getty Publications
Los Angeles, CA
Reyner Banham and the Paradoxes of High Tech
Designed by: Getty Publications s/b Designed by: Catherine Lorenz
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Newsletters and Calendar of Events
Williams College Museum of Art
Williamstown, MA
Williams College Museum of Art Fall 2017
Designed by: David Edge Design
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Planting Fields Foundation
Oyster Bay, NY
Evergreen Fall/Winter 2017
Designed by: Creative Director: Henry B. Joyce; Art Direction: Lilly McGurk; Designer: Amy Herling, Macomea Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Magazines/Scholarly Journals
The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY
Saving the Plants of the World
Designed by: The New York Botanical Garden Marketing & Communications Department
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
SFMOMA Member Magazine
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby/Bosco Hernández; Project Art Direction: James Provenza; Design + Production: Jody Hanson
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Montana Historical Society and Montana’s Museum
Helena, MT
Montana The Magazine of Western History
Designed by: Diane Gleba Hall
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Hennepin History Museum
Minneapolis, MN
Hennepin History
Designed by: Linda Koutsky
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Invitations to Events
Dallas Museum of Art
Dallas, TX
All That Glitters Art Ball 2017 invitation
Designed by: Rosemary Gutierrez, Dallas Museum of Art
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Smithsonian American Art Museum/Renwick Gallery
Washington, DC
Murder Is Her Hobby: Frances Glessner Lee/Rick Araluce Invitation
Designed by: Karen Siatras
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Smithsonian American Art Museum/Renwick Gallery
Washington, DC
Director’s Circle Dinner with artist Nick Cave invitation
Designed by: Karen Siatras
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Marco Island Historical Society
Marco Island, FL
Appraisal Faire and “Affaire to Remember” Gala
Designed by: Sherri Morrison Creative Design
Institutional budget of less than $1 million
Press Kits, Marketing, and Public Relations Material
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
New York, NY
“Visionaries: Creating A Modern Guggenheim” subway and magazine ads
Designed by: Peter Raphael Castro and Lisa Naftolin
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Fundraising and Membership Material
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Washington, DC
017 Year in Review
Designed by: Mary Gasperetti; Writer: Anne Merrill
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Santa Fe, NM
New Mexico Museum of Art Centennial Campaign Case Statement
Designed by: Bob Borden, Ideas and People
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Educational Resources
Anchorage Museum
Anchorage, AK
Education Booklet Series
Designed by: Alex France, Anchorage Museum
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Exhibition Collateral Materials
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Richmond, VA
Yves Saint Laurent Sketchbook
Designed by: Jennifer Lockhart
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Guggenheim Museum
New York, NY
“Turn It On” rack card for the film program of “Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World” exhibition
Designed by: Marcia Fardella and Janice I-Chiao Lee
Institutional budget of more than $1 million
Institutional Materials
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco, CA
Designed by: Creative Direction: Jennifer Sonderby; Art Direction: Bosco Hernández; Designer: Jody Hanson
Institutional budget of more than $1 million